Monday, December 10, 2012

Eating and rules courtesy of Japan

Eating is a pleasure in daily activities. So in order not to cause discomfort to those sitting at the table together, which also has the polite rules or methods holidays mean seriously.
In case of Japan, though relatively less, but also some rules of courtesy or ceremony method means that you should remember and practice.

1. Using chopsticks during meals

Food culture in every country in the world is very diverse. On how to make a meal, country meals are served on the floor and sit down to eat, and national use table. Moreover, how to eat, country eat with a knife and fork, eat with chopsticks countries, what countries also use their hands to eat etc. The difference is that the method developed by conditions climate, nature and contents of the dish etc. and was a most appropriate method, is preferred to that country, and it is seen as part of the cultural life of the country.

Japanese dining table and use chopsticks when eating. Only a few people in the world such as Japanese, Chinese etc ... use chopsticks, but if used it is very convenient.

2. Do not eat with your hands

The Japanese hated feeding method because hands become dirty. Because they think that there are many different species in the magazine in your hands, just wash a bit, it still remains very much in the nails, etc. Surely this is not how food hygiene. However, for trainees and technical interns grow in direct hand food culture, it appears that delicious feeling of being cut in half by not eating with chopsticks. At least in the case of Japanese meals and eat together as in the restaurant or at a party, it is better to eat using hands.

3. Number of bowls

The Japanese appreciate the shape, flavor materials available, to appreciate the beauty of the shape sorting food, etc. So, there are specific points that each dish is placed on a separate disk should have a variety of dishes laid out on the table. And both eat and enjoy the taste of each plate.

In contrast, food is probably the most common beverage in many countries, for food on a big plate of rice, then to penetrate rice dishes, or mix and eat with food .

This is due to differences in food culture, food in any way. However, when food is absolutely not leave uneaten food on the table or thrown to the floor. Table dirty, very unsanitary. Leftovers to put in an absolute angle of the disk is not littered. This makes it easier to clean.

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